Empowering Every Learner: Special Education Services at Amar CSI

Welcome to Amar CSI, where our Special Education services in Patna, Bihar, are designed to cater to the unique needs of individuals with diverse learning challenges. At Amar CSI, we believe in unlocking the potential of every learner through personalized and expert-led Special Education interventions. Explore how our commitment to excellence ensures the highest quality of care for individuals of all ages.

Understanding Special Education at Amar CSI:

Special Education is a specialized service aimed at addressing the diverse learning needs of individuals with unique challenges. At Amar CSI, our Special Education services encompass a wide range of strategies to support academic, social, and emotional development, fostering an inclusive and empowering learning environment.

Understanding Special Education at Amar CSI:

Experienced Special Education Specialists: Our team comprises highly qualified and experienced special education specialists who are dedicated to providing individualized and evidence-based interventions. Their expertise spans various learning challenges, ensuring a comprehensive and tailored approach.

Comprehensive Needs Assessment: We begin with a thorough assessment of the individual’s unique learning profile. This assessment guides the development of personalized educational plans, allowing us to address specific academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs effectively.

Individualized Education Plans (IEPs): Recognizing the diverse needs of each learner, our specialists collaborate to create Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). These plans outline specific goals, strategies, and accommodations tailored to support the individual’s learning journey.


Multidisciplinary Approach: Amar CSI adopts a multidisciplinary approach to Special Education. Our specialists collaborate with speech therapists, occupational therapists, and other professionals as needed to provide holistic support for individuals with complex learning needs.

Inclusive Learning Environment: We believe in fostering an inclusive learning environment that celebrates diversity. Our Special Education services aim to create a supportive space where every learner feels valued, accepted, and empowered to thrive.

Skill-building and Academic Support: Special Education at Amar CSI goes beyond addressing challenges; it focuses on building essential skills and providing academic support. We employ evidence-based practices to enhance learning outcomes and foster a positive attitude towards education.

Family Involvement: We recognize the crucial role of families in a child’s educational journey. Our specialists collaborate closely with parents, providing guidance and support to reinforce strategies at home, ensuring a unified and consistent approach to learning.

Our Commitment: Quality Special Education, Lifelong Empowerment

Choosing Special Education at Amar CSI means choosing excellence and a commitment to unlocking the full potential of every learner. Our services are designed to empower individuals, provide inclusive education, and build a foundation for lifelong learning success.

Embark on a journey of educational empowerment with Amar CSI’s Special Education services. Trust in our experienced specialists to guide learners through a transformative educational experience where challenges are overcome, and potential is realized. Together, let’s build a future filled with learning possibilities for every individual.



Special Education is that component of education which employs special instructional methodology (Remedial Instruction), instructional materials, learning-teaching aids and equipment to meet educational needs of children with specific learning disabilities. Remedial instruction or Remediation aims at improving a skill or ability in a student. Techniques for remedial instruction may include providing more practice or more explanation, repeating information, and devoting more time to working on the skill. For example, a student having a low reading level could be given remediation via one-on-one reading instruction, phonic instruction, or practice in reading aloud.

Special education teachers work with children and youths who have a variety of disabilities. A small number of special education teachers work with students with mental retardation or autism, primarily teaching them life skills and basic literacy. However, the majority of special education teachers work with children with mild to moderate disabilities, using the general education curriculum, or modifying it, to meet the child’s individual needs. Most special education teachers instruct students at the elementary, middle, and secondary school level, although some teachers work with infants and toddlers. Special educators provide programs for specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairments, mental retardation, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, hearing impairments, visual impairments, autism, combined deafness and blindness, traumatic brain injury, and other health impairments. Students are classified under one of the categories, and special education teachers are prepared to work with specific groups. Early identification of a child with special needs is an important part of a special education teacher’s job. Early intervention is essential in educating children with disabilities.